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Under Review
- Van Hout, MC., Zalwango, F., Akugizibwe, M., Namulundu Chaka, M., Birungi, J., Okebe J., Jaffar, S., Bachmann, M., Murdoch, J.(2022). Using process evaluation methods to better understand provision of integrated care clinics for HIV-infection, diabetes and hypertension in Uganda (INTE-AFRICA). BMC Health Services Research.
- Shayo, E., Murdoch, J., Kiwale, Z., Bachmann, M., Bakari, M., Mbata, D., Kivuyo, S., Jaffar, S., Van Hout, MC (2022). Management of Chronic Conditions in Resource Limited Settings: Multi stakeholders’ perception and experiences with receiving and providing integrated HIV, Diabetes and Hypertension service in Tanzania. BMC Health Services Research.